Due to the variations in the different version of Microsoft Outlook, some setting labels may be slightly different, or found in slightly different areas. You may find instructions specific to your version here. The values of the settings, however, must be those presented below.
- Open Outlook.
- Click File, then click Account Settings > Account Settings.
- In the account settings window, select the specific email account, and then click Change. (if you are setting up an account that does not exist, click New and choose manual setup. Then decide whether you want a POP or IMAP account setup.)
- Make note of the Account Type (POP3 or IMAP) and remember for later.
- Update/Verify the following settings:
- Incoming mail server: mbx.gomft.com
- Outgoing mail server: mbx.gomft.com
- User Name: [your full email address]
- Password: [your password] (log in here from any device to verify the correct password, if you are unsure.)
- Click the button labelled More Settings
- Click the tab labelled Outgoing Server
- Update/Verify the following settings:
- My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication should be checked on.
- Use same settings as my incoming mail server should be the selected option.
- Click the tab labelled Advanced.
- Update/Verify the following settings:
- Under the Incoming server port number field, This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL) should be checked on
- The previous action should automatically change the port number to 995 for POP3 accounts, or 993 for IMAP accounts. Verify this, or update manually based on the Account Type you took note of earlier.
- Outgoing server (SMTP) port number should be 465
- Use the following type of encrypted connection should be set to SSL
- Click OK then click next until you are finished.
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